1990年代初頭から、天体/産業用の最高品質のCCDカメラと専用のハイテクオプショナル機器を提供している世界的メーカーであるSBIGが、MaxIm DL画像処理ソフトやカメラ制御ソフト等、Cyanogenブランドで有名な天文用製品のメーカーであるディフラクションリミテッド(Diffraction Limited)社に買収されることを発表しました。
同社の社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)であるダッグ・ジョージ(Doug George)社長は、「質の高いSBIG製品を弊社の業界最高のソフトウェアと組み合わせることにより、最高の天体画像や各種データ観測を得る事ができます」と説明しています。同社長はさらに「買収後の移行期間も、SBIGのスタッフが弊社のエンジニアとともにお客様へのサポートと生産を続けるため、残ってくれることをとても喜ばしく思います。この買収は、SBIGの長年のお客様や各国のディーラーにとっても良い影響を与えるものです」と述べました。SBIGの以前の親会社であるアペルゲン(Aplegen)社のマイク・ロイド(Mike Lloyd)最高経営責任者も次のように述べました。「ソフトウェアとハードウェアの両面において、業界をリードする製品のイノベーションを組み合わせることで、使いやすさが増し、これからの製品開発等においても新しい道が開けます。世界中の天文学愛好者や天文学専門家にとって、ディフラクションリミテッド社とSBIGの強力な組み合わせは、構想以上に実益を伴う、大変すばらしい朗報です」と。
「ディフラクションリミテッド社とSBIG製品が一つになることで得られる可能性に大いに期待しています」と話すのは、SBIG部の部長であるアラン・ホルムズ(Alan Holmes)博士です。「買収の結果、ソフトウェアとハードウェアが堅固に統合され、現在までのお客様(ユーザー様)とっても、これからSBIG製品をお買い上げになられるお客様にとっても実りの大きいものとなります。ディフラクションリミテッド社における修理とカスタマサポートへの受け入れ態勢も非常に素晴らしいものです。」と。
ディフラクションリミテッド社は、1993年にダッグ・ジョージ氏によって創業されました。Cyanogenブランドの下で販売されているディフラクション社の製品群には、有名なMaxIm DL(マキシムDL)天文用画像処理ソフト、MaxPoint(マックスポイント)極軸設定ソフトウエア、MaxDome II(マックスドーム2)天文台制御用ソフトウェア等があります。
SBIG acquired by Diffraction Limited
October 1, 2014
SBIG is proud to announce that it is now a division of Diffraction Limited, a well known and respected developer of astronomy related products.
For Immediate Release
Ottawa, ON, October 1, 2014
Diffraction Limited, a company well-known for its Cyanogen brand astronomy products, including MaxIm DL imaging software, today announced the acquisition of the assets of Santa Barbara Instrument Group Camera Division of Aplegen, Inc. As part of this acquisition, Diffraction Limited is assuming all responsibility for manufacturing, product development, customer service, repair and warranty support.
Santa Barbara Instrument Group (SBIG) has been a leading global supplier of high quality CCD cameras and instrumentation for the scientific community for 25 years, as an independent company until 2011, and thereafter as a division of Aplegen, Inc. SBIG instruments are in use at some of the world’s most prestigious institutions including NASA, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Palomar Observatory, and the German Space Agency. Since the introduction in 1989 of the venerable ST-4 autoguider, SBIG has been a major contributor to the growth of modern amateur astronomy. SBIG led the revolution that saw CCD technology replace film as the medium of choice for both scientific observations and beautiful astrophotos. SBIG also supplies instruments to the rapidly growing life sciences market and to OEMs in non-astronomy related fields.
Doug George, President/CEO of Diffraction Limited, explained, “The combination of high quality SBIG instruments with our industry-leading software will create the ultimate astronomical imaging solution.” He further commented, “We are very pleased that key SBIG staff will remain in place during the transition period, along with Diffraction Limited engineers, to ensure continuous customer support and production. This acquisition will have a positive effect for SBIG’s loyal customers and dealers.” Mike Lloyd, CEO of Aplegen, Inc., added, "Pairing industry leading product innovation of software and hardware will go a long way to address concerns of system ease of use, and help pave the way to a new wave of product innovation required of this marketplace. Enthusiasts and professionals around the world will be the true beneficiaries of the combined strengths of Diffraction Limited and SBIG.”
“I am energized by the possibilities created by Diffraction Limited and SBIG products being united under one roof," remarked Dr. Alan Holmes, President of the SBIG division. “The resulting tighter integration of software and hardware can only benefit existing and future customers. Doug’s commitment to continuity of repair and customer support is also highly commendable.” Michael Barber, Vice President of the SBIG Division agreed, "We could not have asked for a better combination than SBIG's innovative hardware and Diffraction's cutting edge software. SBIG has always been most comfortable providing products for amateur and professional astronomers and this acquisition can only facilitate that purpose." Dr. Holmes and Michael Barber, both co-founders of SBIG, will continue to work with Diffraction Limited to ensure a smooth transition.
Diffraction Limited was founded by Doug George in 1993. Diffraction’s suite of products, sold under the Cyanogen brand, include the renowned MaxIm DL astronomical imaging software, MaxPoint telescope pointing refinement software, MaxDome II observatory dome controllers, Boltwood Cloud Sensors, and Quick Fringe interferogram analysis software. George is a professional engineer with 30 years of experience in electronics, embedded systems, and application software. In 2001 he was awarded the Engineering Medal for Engineering Excellence by Professional Engineers Ontario, and he is a past President of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. He is an accomplished amateur astronomer, having co-discovered Comet Skorichenko-George, and 12 supernovae as part of the Puckett Supernova Search program.
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Doug George, President, Diffraction Limited
Phone: (613) 225-2732
E-mail: dgeorge@cyanogen.com